Publication Guidelines

Full Text Publication Guidelines

    • Full text papers should not exceed 20 pages including references.
    • No corrections will be made by the scientific committee in full text papers. For this reason, authors are responsible for any spelling and semantic errors.
    • The subheadings of full-text papers should consist of Abstract, Introduction (purpose of the study, conceptual theoretical framework), Method, Results and Interpretation, Conclusion, Discussion, and Recommendations.
    • Full text papers should be written in Times New Roman font, 1.15 line spacing, 12-point font size, justified.
    • The top and bottom spaces between paragraphs should be 6 pts., and the paragraphs should be indented by 1.25 cm.
    • APA 6 (American Psychological Association) referencing should be used in the preparation of the papers.
    • Pages should not be numbered in full text papers.
    • The text of the figures used should be written at the bottom and the text of the tables at the top, and the content should be explained as a title next to the figure / table number. Figures/tables should be placed in the text and numbered consecutively in the text.
    • Headings: The title of the paper should be centered on the page, written in capital letters and in 14 pt. bold. First level headings should be capitalized, left justified and bold. Second-level headings should also be left justified and bold; only the word initials should be capitalized. Third level headings should be at the beginning of a paragraph, only the first word should be capitalized, and the entire heading should be bold. After the third-level heading, the text should be continued after a colon (:). Signs such as numbers, italics and underscores should not be used in any of the headings.

Subheadings That Should Be Included In The Full Text Paper

    • Title and Author(s) Name (The title should be written in capital letters, 14 pt. bold and centered on the line. There should be 2-lined spaces before the title. After the Turkish and English titles are given, the name (in lowercase letters) and surname (in uppercase letters) of the author(s) should be written in 12-point bold letters, centered, and the information about the author(s) in the footnote given with 1 sign after the surname should include the address (and e-mail address) in 10-point italic. The title(s) and institutional information of the author(s) must be entered correctly.)
    • Abstract 
    • Introduction (in the introduction, the purpose of the study, which question it seeks to answer, which research question or questions it is based on, and why this study is necessary should be clearly explained to the reader. In the conceptual or theoretical framework, especially the studies that are directly related to the subject and purpose of the study and why the study is important / meaningful in this sense, what gap it will fill, what additional contribution it can provide should be clearly explained.)
    • Method (the method section should include the basic approach used for the research and information about the sample, data collection method, tool, and analysis process.) 
    • Findings and Interpretation (data analysis or evaluations should be made regarding the results or findings reached in conceptual studies.)
    • Conclusion, Discussion and Recommendations (in this section, the finalized research findings should be discussed in relation to the conceptual / theoretical framework, similarities and differences and their reasons should be evaluated, and important issues that are thought to contribute or will contribute to the relevant literature should be included.)
    • References (bu kısımda çalışmada yararlanılan eserlere yer verilmelidir) 

Extended Abstract Publication Guidelines

Note: The following headings must be included when adding the extended abstract to the CMT system.
  • Extended abstract will be prepared in English only.
  • Abstracts sent to the congress should be in the form of extended abstracts.
  • Extended abstracts should not exceed 3 pages including references. The texts exceeding the specified page limit will be rejected by the congress secretariat and will not be evaluated.
  • No corrections will be made by the Congress committee in the extended abstracts. For this reason, authors are responsible for any spelling and semantic errors.
  • Although the papers to be presented at the congress belong to the author, they must not have been presented or published elsewhere before.
  • All extended abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Extended abstract subheadings must be as follows: Abstract and Keywords, Introduction (purpose of the study, conceptual theoretical framework) Method; Results and Interpretation; Conclusion, Discussion, and Recommendations.
  • Papers should be prepared as MS Word document in A4 (210X290 mm.) format, leaving 2.5 cm margins on each side of the page.
  • The extended abstract of the paper should be written in Times New Roman font, 1.15 spacing, 12-point font size, justified.
  • The top and bottom spaces between paragraphs should be 6 spaces, and the paragraphs should be indented by 1.25 cm.
  • In references to sources, APA 6 (American Psychological Association) reference notation should be used. Instead of footnotes, references should be made between parentheses in the text. In parentheses, the surname of the author, the year of the source and the page number should be given respectively (James, 2002: 124). Multiple references should be separated by semicolons, and the abbreviation “et al” should be used for references with 3 or more authors. In the References section, references should be given in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors.
  • Extended abstracts may include figures, tables, formulas, or pictures.
  • Extended abstracts should be in a structure that briefly describes the content of the paper and thus the preparation process of the study.
  • Pages should not be numbered in extended abstracts.
  • The text of the figures used should be written at the bottom and the text of the tables at the top, and the content should be explained as a title next to the figure / table number. Figures/tables should be placed in the text and numbered consecutively in the text.

Titles Required in the Extended Abstract

  • Titles: The title of the paper should be centered on the page, written in capital letters and in 14 pt. bold. First level titles should be capitalized, left justified and bold. Second level headings should also be left justified and bold; only the initials of the words should be capitalized. Third level headings should be at the beginning of a paragraph, only the first word should be capitalized, and the entire title should be bold. After the third level heading, the text should be continued after a colon (:). No number, italics or underline marks should be used in any of the headings. 
  • Title and Author(s) Name (The title should be written in capital letters, 14 pt. bold and centered on the line. There should be 2 line spaces before the title. After the Turkish and English titles are given, the name (in lowercase letters) and surname (in uppercase letters) of the author(s) should be written in 12-point bold letters, centered, and the information about the author(s) in the footnote given with 1 sign after the surname should include the address (and e-mail address) in 10-point italic. The title(s) and institutional information of the author(s) must be entered correctly.)
  • Abstract and keywords (the abstract should summarize the purpose, methodology and the most important finding(s) of the study in 3 to 6 sentences.)
  • Introduction (in the introduction, the purpose of the research, the question it seeks to answer, which research question or questions it is based on and why this study is necessary should be summarized in a clear way that will provide a clear idea to the reader. In the conceptual or theoretical framework, especially the studies that are directly related to the subject and purpose of the study and why the work done / being done is important / meaningful in this sense, what gap it will fill, what additional contribution it can provide should be clearly explained.)
  • Method (the method section should include the basic approach used for the research and information about the sample, data collection method, tool and analysis process.)
  • Findings and Interpretation (for data analysis or conceptual studies, evaluations should be made regarding the results or findings reached. For studies that have not yet reached their final findings, expected or estimated findings and related comments and evaluations should be included.)
  • Conclusion, Discussion and Recommendations (in this section, the finalized research findings should be discussed in relation to the conceptual / theoretical framework, similarities and differences and their reasons should be evaluated and important issues that are thought to contribute to the relevant literature should be included.)
  • Bibliography (this section should include the works utilized in the study.)
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